all postcodes in GU4 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU4 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU4 8AA 7 0 51.226376 -0.57084
GU4 8AB 15 0 51.225808 -0.569283
GU4 8AD 14 0 51.22554 -0.566455
GU4 8AE 14 2 51.220406 -0.568032
GU4 8AF 8 0 51.220768 -0.5653
GU4 8AG 19 0 51.224001 -0.566346
GU4 8AJ 13 0 51.222687 -0.56925
GU4 8AL 17 0 51.223219 -0.567916
GU4 8AN 2 0 51.227389 -0.553272
GU4 8AP 19 0 51.223046 -0.566991
GU4 8AQ 11 0 51.221798 -0.564939
GU4 8AR 3 0 51.218955 -0.556078
GU4 8AS 8 3 51.21623 -0.551653
GU4 8AT 2 0 51.214556 -0.548863
GU4 8AU 6 0 51.214608 -0.54486
GU4 8AW 2 0 51.225467 -0.563729
GU4 8AX 34 0 51.214354 -0.546128
GU4 8AY 39 0 51.213222 -0.546922
GU4 8AZ 36 0 51.213737 -0.547822
GU4 8BA 22 0 51.214695 -0.547492